Peer review process

Editorial Racionalidades, we recognize the importance of maintaining high quality standards in the publication of scientific books. Therefore, we implement a rigorous peer review process to ensure academic excellence and significant contribution to knowledge in each of our books.

Reception and initial review

All manuscripts received are subjected to an initial review by our editorial team to verify their thematic suitability and compliance with the submission guidelines.
A preliminary evaluation is carried out to detect possible plagiarism or ethical infractions.

Selection of expert reviewers

Expert reviewers in the thematic field of the book are selected, preferably from outside the publisher, who have a solid academic background and experience in the subject.
The reviewers are chosen impartially and confidentially, keeping the identity of the authors and reviewers anonymous (blind peer review).

Peer review

Manuscripts are sent to reviewers, who perform a critical and detailed evaluation of the content, methodology, originality, clarity of the text, and other relevant aspects.
Reviewers provide constructive comments and suggestions for improving the quality and accuracy of the book's content.
A deadline is established for the review by the experts, guaranteeing an efficient and timely process.

Feedback to authors

The comments and recommendations of the reviewers are transmitted confidentially to the authors, who have the opportunity to make the necessary revisions and adjustments in their work.
Dialogue and communication between authors and reviewers is encouraged to clarify doubts, resolve conflicting points and enrich the content.

Editorial decision

Based on the reports of the reviewers and the revisions made by the authors, the editorial team of "Racionalidades" makes a decision on the publication of the book.
Possible editorial decisions include: accepting the book for publication, requesting additional revisions, or rejecting the manuscript, always based on objective criteria and respecting academic integrity.

Communication and transparency

We maintain clear and transparent communication with authors at all stages of the peer review process, reporting on the status of their manuscript and the results of the review.
We guarantee the confidentiality of the manuscripts and the identity of the reviewers involved in the process.