Policies for Authors

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All shipments must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines and Formal Rules for Manuscripts.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal for consideration.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all images, data sets and any other materials provided with this submission.
  • The author submitted his manuscript using the "Book Template" or "Book Chapter Template" through the OMP.

IMPORTANT: Manuscripts that do not use the templates, reveal information from which the author can be identified, or do not follow the formal rules will be automatically rejected.


Originality and authorship

Editorial Racionalidades values originality and adequate authorship in all the works that we consider for publication. As a multidisciplinary publisher dedicated to the publication of academic and scientific books, we recognize the importance of guaranteeing intellectual integrity and respect for copyright.


  • Submitted papers must be original and not have been previously published in whole or in part in any other source.
  • Authors must ensure that their work is the result of their own intellectual effort and does not contain plagiarized or misattributed content.

Proper authorship:

  • Authors must ensure that all persons who have made substantial contributions to the work are duly acknowledged as authors or contributors.
  • It is important to obtain the consent of all the people mentioned as authors before sending the work to Editorial Racionalidades.

We are committed to protecting the originality of published works and to respecting the copyrights of authors. By submitting a work, authors certify that their work is original and that they meet the requirements for proper authorship.

Format and presentation

At Editorial Racionalidades, we consider that the appropriate format (link to the pdf or word format) and presentation are fundamental aspects for the quality and readability of the published works. As a multidisciplinary publisher dedicated to the publication of academic and scientific books, we strive to ensure that works meet certain format and presentation requirements.

We provide clear and detailed guidance on the proper format and presentation. By following these guidelines, authors contribute to the quality and consistency of our publications.

Review process

At Editorial Racionalidades, we are committed to a rigorous review process to guarantee the quality and excellence of the papers we consider for publication. As a multidisciplinary publisher specializing in academic and scientific books, we recognize the importance of peer review in validating and improving research.

Peer evaluation:

  • All papers submitted to Editorial Racionalidades are submitted to a peer review process.
  • We assign experts in the corresponding thematic field to assess the quality, originality and relevance of the work.

Confidentiality and objectivity:

  • We maintain strict confidentiality during the review process, both for reviewers and authors.
  • The reviewers evaluate the works objectively, without biases or conflicts of interest.

Constructive feedback:

  • Reviewers provide constructive comments and suggestions to improve papers.
  • Authors receive a detailed evaluation that includes strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for revision.

Communication with authors:

  • Editorial Racionalidades facilitates communication between reviewers and authors, when necessary, to clarify questions or request additional information.
  • Authors have the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments and make any necessary revisions.

Review times:

  • We strive to complete the review process in a reasonable amount of time, while maintaining high quality standards.
  • The exact duration of the review process may vary depending on the complexity and availability of reviewers.

We value peer review as a fundamental component to guarantee the quality of our publications. We strive to maintain a fair, objective, and transparent review process that promotes academic excellence and the advancement of knowledge.

Ethics and good conduct

At Editorial Racionalidades, we abide by the highest ethical standards and promote good conduct in all our publications. As a multidisciplinary publisher specialized in academic and scientific books, we recognize the importance of academic integrity and professional responsibility in the generation and dissemination of knowledge.

Academic integrity:

  • We require authors to submit papers that comply with the principles of academic integrity.
  • Plagiarism, data falsification, self-plagiarism and any other form of scientific misconduct are prohibited.

Proper attribution:

  • Authors must provide proper attribution to all sources used in their work, including citations and full bibliographical references.
  • You must respect copyrights and obtain the necessary permissions to reproduce any copyrighted material.

Disclosure of conflicts of interest:

  • Authors must disclose any relevant conflict of interest that may influence the objectivity or impartiality of their work.
  • This includes financial, employment, personal, or other relationships that may bias the results or interpretation of the work.

Responsibility and transparency:

  • We are committed to publishing reliable and quality work.
  • The authors are responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the data presented, as well as for providing complete and transparent information about their research.

We value ethics and good conduct as fundamental principles in scholarly research and publishing. We reserve the right to take appropriate action in case of detecting any form of scientific misconduct.


At Editorial Racionalidades, we recognize the importance of copyright and we are committed to protecting and respecting the rights of authors. As a multidisciplinary publisher specializing in academic and scientific books, we value intellectual work and originality in the works we publish.

Intellectual property:

  • Authors retain copyright in their works. By publishing with Editorial Racionalidades, the authors maintain the intellectual property of their works.
  • The publisher asks the authors for a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute their works.

Use of protected materials:

  • Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce any copyrighted material in their works.
  • Appropriate attributions must be given to all sources used in the work.

Reproduction and distribution rights:

  • Editorial Racionalidades has the right to reproduce and distribute published works in printed and digital format, as agreed with the authors.
  • The reproduction and distribution of the works are subject to the publisher's policies and are carried out in accordance with ethical and legal standards.

Open access:

  • Editorial Racionalidades recognizes the importance of open access to research.
  • Authors can choose to publish their works under open access licences, allowing free distribution and public access to their works.

Committed to respecting copyright and ensuring proper attribution and protection of the intellectual property of the authors. By posting with us, authors agree to abide by our copyright policies.

Open access

At Editorial Racionalidades, we value and promote open access to research and the dissemination of knowledge. As a multidisciplinary publisher specializing in the publication of academic and scientific books, we recognize the importance of ensuring that our publications are widely and freely accessible.

Commitment to open access:

  • We are committed to offering open access options for works published by Editorial Racionalidades.
  • We recognize that open access facilitates the global dissemination of research, allowing a greater impact and scope of the works.

Open Access Licenses:

  • We offer authors the possibility of publishing their works under recognized open access licences, such as Creative Commons, which allow free distribution and public access to their works.
  • These licenses give readers the freedom to read, download, copy, distribute, and use the works for non-commercial purposes, as long as proper credit is given to the author.

Benefits of open access:

  • Open access broadens the visibility and impact of published research, which can result in more readings, citations, and collaborations.
  • Facilitates access to scientific and academic information for researchers, academics, students and the general public, promoting the democratization of knowledge.

Sustainability and financing:

  • We recognize that open access requires a sustainable funding model.
  • Editorial Racionalidades may apply Article Processing Charges (APC) to authors who opt for open access, to cover production and publication costs.

We are committed to open access as a means to promote the dissemination and exchange of knowledge in an equitable and global manner. We work to ensure that our publications are accessible and promote collaboration and advancement of research in various disciplines.